Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ignorance and How It Hurts

I had all of these wonderful plans to tell you all about my stellar trip to London this week, but this morning, I woke to see this article in my inbox - sent to me by my husband. I am so filled with rage that writing this has taken priority over my happy little vacation. I promise to inform you shortly about how amazing London is, but in the meantime, I've just got a few things that desperately need to be said.

As a result of a few extreme actions on the part of some very ignorant Americans, my husband is no longer safe. We know that the extremists in this and any religion or dogma can be extremely violent, so why are we doing things to intentionally piss them off? By choosing to not do stupid things, like burn their holy books, we aren't 'giving in' or 'letting them win', we are simply respecting their beliefs as we would expect them to respect ours, or the lack thereof. Going out of our way to show them the finger is no better than them going out of their way to behead us, right Christians? A sin is a sin in the eyes of God, remember? Turn the other cheek ring a bell?

Even if we aren't Christians or any other disciple of a deity, is it not always best to just effing respect the existence of our brothers and sisters on this planet? Forming ignorant opinions of what it means to be a Muslim or a Christian or a Jew or black or white or Mexican (and acting on them) only serves to destroy our species with rapid and pointless speed. Even if it is just simply stating to another like minded person that all Muslims are evil and out to kill Americans, we are perpetuating negative and untrue beliefs. These beliefs lead to actions which lead to deaths.

The point is that none of us knows the truth. We may have faith in this or that, but no one knows for sure. Science (the only basis we have for measuring the truth and existence of anything) hasn't proven a thing when it comes to measuring whose God is better than someone else or whether God even exists.

Until we all can open our eyes to the truth in these statements, soldiers will continue to die under pointless circumstances. Wives and families will continue to lose sleep at night worrying if their soldier will have legs or PTSD when, and if, he comes home.

So, we need to take the upper hand. Stop stooping to the level of uneducated, sheltered, cave dwelling extremists. Stop following their lead in the game of who can disrespect who first and with greater force. When is the last time a fight was ever solved this way? It doesn't even work with toddlers let alone with grown ass men.

Understanding is the key. And, acceptance is even better. If Americans like Terry Jones and other religious fanatics could let go of their dogmatic beliefs, maybe this country could actually lead by example in a positive way - for the sake of our future.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your post 100%, Rachel. It just saddens me that any religion that supposedly promotes peace, acceptance and goodness could do such evil acts to others when the beliefs are not shared. It's the truest form of bigotry. In my opinion. Violence is never the answer!! Terry Jones knew there would be repercussions to his actions, but chose to do it/or not do it anyways. And the same ignorance was shown when something that may, or may not, have happened resulted in the killing of 8 people. I hope your husband is safe. I will send great thoughts his way and yours.
